Artists who we play and what people say

Billboard Hot 100 POP & COUNTRY Charts from yesteryear

Suggestions Made By Listeners

     This is where you can find suggestions for upcoming shows, or "Spotlight Events".  When you contact us with a suggestion, your suggestion may very well end up in the list.   So, feel free to send in your suggestions by email.

                               * Andrews Sisters
                               * Linda Ronstadt
                               * Henry Mancini
                               * The Drifters
                               * Neil Diamond
                               * The Chordettes
                               * Kenny Rodgers
                               * Rod Stewart & Laura Branigan
                               * Bobby Curtola
                               * Roberta Flack & Michelle Wright
                               * Johnny Cash
                               * Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton
                               * John D. Laudermilk
                               * Vera Lynn




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